
‘But God Raised Him from the Dead’: The Theology of Jesus’ Resurrection in Luke-Acts is unavailable, but you can change that!

In this book, the first full-scale study of the resurrection of Jesus in Luke-Acts, Kevin L. Anderson situates Luke’s perspective on resurrection amongst Jewish and Hellenistic conceptions of the afterlife, and within the complex of Luke’s theology, Christology, ecclesiology, and eschatology. He argues that the resurrection of Jesus constitutes the focus of the Lucan message of salvation.

Jesus means one thing if the purpose of Luke’s narrative is to present an apology to the Roman authorities on behalf of the burgeoning Christian movement—namely, it means that Jesus’ resurrection is a specimen of the hope for resurrection shared by the Jews (particularly Pharisaic Jews), who are a protected religious group within the Roman empire. Hence, Jesus’ resurrection would do little more than provide Christians with a theological basis for political ‘cover.’45 It means quite another thing
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